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Fathering Where They Are

An collaborative intergenerational group of fathers/ male figures that come together with the common goal to bond, build and impact the various generations of fathers. This is through  the pipeline of knowledge, networking,  and resources, that foster growth and educating that supports the families.


To provide a mentoring program to educate and assist fathers/ males to improve their fatherhood skills that facilitate positive outcomes in the lives of children and the family as a whole.

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Transformation /Life Coaching

Parenting/Co-Parenting Coaching

Curriculum Based Training:

Inside Out Dads

Nurturing Fathers


Educational resources 






Our mission is to build a network of intergenerational fathers/male figures that support, develop, and intercept for healthy relationships that impact the lives of children, families, the community.

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No matter whether you a father or a father figure in a child's life, you can make a difference. Make sure to take the time to let children know that they are important. Remember, just a little of your time will go a long way. Cherish the moments that you have with a child. Make the most of the moments with your children for one day they will grow up and leave home to live their lives.

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